Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman were on a red carpet roll in 2023, grabbing headlines after the Met Gala, Oscars, ACM Awards and CMA Awards. The couple closed the year with another stylish outing. They turned the Dec. 20 premiere in Sydney, Australia of Kidman's upcoming Amazon Prime drama series "Expats" into yet another photogenic date night.
"Expats" is based on Janice YK Lee's 2016 novel The Expatriates. Kidman's production company Blossom Films optioned the screen rights to the book in 2017. The following year, Amazon green-lit a small-screen adaptation of the story. Kidman's among the series' stars. The show debuts on Amazon Prime on Jan. 26.
Kidman looked as stylish at the premiere as usual in a silky, nude-colored gown that, per "GMA", is from Fendi Couture's autumn/winter 2023 collection. She's wearing high heels that match the dress and has her curly hair in an updo.
Urban's no less fashionable in a dress shirt and necktie that match Kidman's outfit. He's also rocking a black suit with white pinstripes and what appear to be the same chunky, black shoes first seen on the CMA Awards red carpet. Overall, it's his most eye-turning look since he wore a tuxedo to May's Met Gala.
Kidman and Urban frequently show up to support one another in public. In June, Urban brought Kidman onstage during his residency in Las Vegas, calling her a "sunshine hippie" — a reference to a line in his 2016 song "Worry 'Bout Nothin'."
Urban also celebrated his wife on her birthday (June 20), writing, "To my gorgeous, sexy, adventurous, curious, nature loving, owl spotting, artist, wife: happy birthday baby!!!!!!"
The couple's 17th wedding anniversary followed on June 25. Urban celebrated holy matrimony during his Las Vegas sets by incorporating wedding footage into the stage presentation for "Without You."
"I wanted to do it in a very organic way and find the right song," he told People. "It was really more about choosing to do that song, 'Without You,' and how that felt like the right time for that."
Urban and Kidman began dating in 2005, They wed the following year. The couple shares two children: Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret.