Still from "Barbie" (2023)
Warner Bros.

Can't Stop Talking About 'Barbie?' Watch These 7 Movies Next

More girl power and feel-good vibes.

The feminism, the outfits, the P-I-N-K. Everything about Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie was so undeniably iconic that it feels impossible to shake—and impossible to stop watching.

If you found yourself mesmerized by the movie's magic, you're in no way alone. Everyone and their mother is dressing up in their favorite Barbie outfits and heading back to the theatres for the umpteenth time. Barbie not only broke the opening weekend record for 2023 but also completely obliterated the first-weekend record for a female-directed film (yay, Greta!).

While the whimsy and downright girliness of it all may have prompted your first ticket purchase, the deeper message about what it means to be a woman in today's world is what resonated with many viewers. For decades, we put Barbie in a silly and superficial box. And we could not have been more wrong.

"The kind of amazing thing is that Barbie went to the moon before women had the ability to get credit cards," Gerwig told The Guardian in an interview before the movie's release. "That's crazy. She was always a kind of step ahead."

The collective chokehold this film has us in likely isn't ending anytime soon. But if you're looking to channel more of that energy, check out these seven movies that inspire, entertain, and encourage a similar message.

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