Blake Shelton will have his name forever emblazoned on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame. The country singer received the 2,755th star on the Walk of Fame during a ceremony on Friday, May 12. He was honored by wife Gwen Stefani, friend and The Voice co-star Carson Daly and former coach on the The Voice, Adam Levine. When it came time for Shelton to stand up and speak, he dedicated his star to a very special person who passed way far too young.
"My family is all here from Oklahoma, and I was talking to my mom this morning, and I was thinking about what I'm going to say when I get up here, and she said to me, 'You know, I wish Richie could have been here to see this and everything that you've done,'" Shelton explains. "And I feel like that's probably the best way to wrap this up. Richie was my brother that I lost many, many years ago, so I dedicate my star on this walk of fame to my brother Richie."
Shelton's brother passed away in a car accident in 1990 when Shelton was only 14 years old. Richie was 24.
The singer opened up about his brother on a recent episode of The Voice with contestant NOIVAS. The contestant mentioned that he also lost his brother, and the two bonded over their shared loss on the show.
"My brother, he would have freaked out if he had known what I went on to do," Shelton said on the show. "He was such a huge music fan. You'd hear him coming six blocks away, the stereo blaring out of his truck."
Shelton looked full of gratitude as he accepted his Walk of Fame honor, and he also gave a sweet shoutout to Stefani during his speech.
"I kind of stopped checking things off my list of great accomplishments in my life when I married Gwen, and so this is just icing on the cake," he said.
Watch his full speech here: