Oregon Dad Has Insane Reason For Drugging His Daughter's 12-Year-Old Friends At A Sleepover
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Oregon Dad Has Insane Reason For Drugging His Daughter's 12-Year-Old Friends At A Sleepover

On August 25, 2023, Michael Meyden's daughter decided to invite a few of her friends to her house for a sleepover. After the sleepover, three girls would test positive for benzodiazepine. (Depressants that produce sedation and hypnosis, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and reduce seizures. In layman's terms, most people use it to help themselves sleep at night.)

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Per The Oregonian, Meyden turned himself in to the Clackamas County Jail on multiple felony and misdemeanor allegations. Initially, he pled not guilty during his arraignment. Later, he'd tearfully admit to three counts of causing another person to ingest a controlled substance, a felony.

According to Meyden himself, he "wanted them to go to bed" at a certain time. "I was overly fixated on them going to bed, yes, that is true."

The night of the sleepover, the girls spent most of their time watching movies. As they'd later tell the police, between 9 PM and 11 PM, Meyden prepared smoothies "and insisted they drink them." Reportedly, the drinks had "tiny white chunks throughout and sprinkled on top."

One of the girls didn't like smoothies and rejected hers, to which Meyden insisted, going so far as to make her a second smoothie. According to an affidavit, "Meyden made repeated visits to the basement, at one point holding his finger under one girl's nose and waving his hand in front of her face to see if she was asleep."

Oregon Father Drugs His Daughter's Friends During A Sleepover

When Meyden eventually left the room, one of the girls texted her mother. "Mom please pick me up and say I had a family emergency. I don't feel safe. I might not respond but please come get me. Please pick up. PLEASE!!"

Meyden would return to the basement, standing there for an extended amount of time. He seemed to be "doing tests to make sure we weren't awake," one of the girls recounted. Shortly, a parent arrived to pick up their daughter. That girl alerted her parents, and they contacted the parents of the other girls.

Meyden was ultimately sentenced to two years in prison, receiving three additional years of post-prison supervision.