'Footloose' Fans Considering Crashing 40-Anniversary Prom to Meet Kevin Bacon
Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

'Footloose' Fans Consider Crashing 40-Anniversary Prom to Meet Kevin Bacon

Nobody puts a baby in a corner. Wait, wrong movie. Let's dance! Kevin Bacon is officially returning to Payson High School for its prom and to celebrate 40 years of Footloose. Jealous fans are considering crashing prom to meet the actor, and who wouldn't?

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Newscaster Heidi Hatch wrote on X, "Who wants to crash prom in Payson?" Of course, this is all very tongue-in-cheek. But given the rarity of the event, there may be a couple of gate crashers at the prom.

Students at Payson High School have been trying to get Bacon's attention for the past year. It marks the final chance for the actor to visit his old dancing grounds. The county plans to demolish the school and build a new school in its place. Students got creative in trying to get Bacon's attention. They recreated scenes from the film and sent them on social media with the hashtag #BaconToPayson. They also organized a prom day charity event for Bacon's Six Degrees charity.

Kevin Bacon Agrees to Attend Prom

So consider everyone excited when Bacon made a personal video call to the school, speaking with students in the gym. "I have been so impressed with everything that's been going on there with this crazy idea to get me to come back," said Bacon to the high school students. "I've been amazed at the work that all of you have been putting into this. With the musical and the flash mobs and the re-creations."

"It hasn't gone unnoticed by me, not to mention the fact that you tied in SixDegrees.org, our foundation, and are trying to figure out ways to give back to your community. It's really inspirational, so thank you. Thank you. And I'm gonna come. I gotta come," he said.

Jenny Staheli, a history and English teacher, also spoke to The Salt Lake Tribune about the high school. "If you talk about a really key piece of Payson's identity, this is it. People really just are so proud about this tie to the larger pop culture. Footloose is just one of those things that never lost its punch and people everywhere know this movie. ... It's really been something special for this community for a long time."

"One of our English teachers, she was doing argument writing. And their assignment was they had to write a letter to Kevin Bacon convincing him to come to Payson High," Staheli continued. "Everybody has been on board with this."