BTS Megachurch Video Shows The Ridiculous Amount Of Effort That Goes Into A Sermon
Photos By X/@Protestia

BTS Megachurch Video Shows The Ridiculous Amount Of Effort That Goes Into A Sermon

When you see the word "megachurch," what's the first thing that comes to mind? Because I'm not going to put myself on the proverbial stake to be burned, I'm going to be quiet. You can fill in those blanks yourself, Mad Libs-style! For now, we'll focus on a megachurch's production values! Did you know that behind the sermons and biblical stories, there's an entire team making sure everything looks good?

Videos by Wide Open Country

I know that megachurches are multi-faceted in ways outside of the strictly religious. However, I couldn't have fathomed there was so much going on in the background. Apparently, the internet is equally gobsmacked!

"Megachurches, they're just like us," one X user commented. I may be bound to neutrality in cases like this, but... that is funny. I admit there's a degree of irony in a megachurch being such a dance of screens and cues far away from the "Come as you are" doctrine of other churches.

"Genuinely thought this was a concert. The Church isn't here to entertain us, it's here to show us we are broken and are in need of saving, and show us who can save us from out brokenness (sin) and his name is Jesus." Many users like this lad were incredibly upset about the video. In their estimation, the clip doesn't represent a church's core values and teachings at all.

A Behind-The-Scenes Video Of The Inner Workings Of A Megachurch Causes Online Division

I want to end this article with a long but relevant comment from a user that provides a unique perspective on what it's like being one of the folks directly handling these productions.

"Speaking from the tech director side of this (not this church), you really start losing touch with what you're there for. I was missing the content of sermons. Fellow tech volunteers were burning out and leaving church completely. ... Somehow, I still had to find time to be the IT director, youth director, and Sunday school teacher. Serve on the security team, coordinate volunteers who wouldn't follow their schedule or who would walk away.

"I was driving almost two hours one way to get there early so the worship team could practice in comfort in an air-conditioned sanctuary. ... I'm tired. This isn't church. This isn't ministering to the community. Missionary work in the Philippines was better than this."