Which Birthday Cake Recipe Pairs with Your Birth Month?

No December, you get something way more exciting than fruitcake!

If you were a birthday cake, what flavor would you be? Sure, sure: You probably have your dream cake all set. Maybe you're a "yellow cake with chocolate frosting" person, or a diehard ice cream cake fan. But have you ever considered that your birthday cake could be as seasonal as a trip to a farmer's market? How lovely would it be to have a plush red velvet cake in February, in honor of Valentine's Day? Or pumpkin cheesecake in November?

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We think every month has the best birthday cake suited just for the wonderful people born that month, so we've compiled 12 surefire hits suited to the changing seasons. Bonus: They're simple to make. So if you're only a special-occasion baker, not to worry: These cakes are easy to recreate at home.

So stock up on room-temperature butter and flour, buddy, and get that oven cranking. From January to December, here are a dozen-not a baker's dozen, silly-cakes for each month of the year!

1. January: Funfetti Cake

funfetti cake

Sweet Pea's Kitchen

There's something about the new year that makes us want to coat everything in confetti, bubbles, baubles and rainbows. We'd argue that nothing keeps the party going like a Funfetti cake. Not only does its kaleidoscope of colors brighten up a kid's day, it makes adults happy, too-especially during the bracing month of January. (We have yet to meet the kid who doesn't return from daycare or school triumphant after feeding his classmates this one!)

And no judgment if you're someone for whom "egg, oil and water" are a baking holy trinity: We've all used boxed cake mix at one point or another. But there's something wonderful about treating the birthday person to homemade cake.

Our favorite part of this recipe? Though it asks for two round 9-inch cake pans to make a double-decker cake, it can easily be converted into a sheet cake. Get the recipe here. For the (literal) icing on the cake, top it with Funfetti frosting.

Get the recipe here From Sweet Peas Kitchen.

2. February: Red Velvet Cake

red velvet cake

Sally's Baking Recipes

You can vie with Valentine's Day for birthday attention, or you can fall into its crimson embrace, and roll with the red theme. Because you're too big a person to battle with love itself, right?

With everything red in season, no birthday cake is better suited for February than Red Velvet Cake. Tangy buttermilk, unsweetened cocoa, a dose of vanilla extract, and a touch of acidic vinegar comprise a dense, moist cake ready for its cloak of rich cream cheese frosting.

Ah, to be the birthday person who thinks there's enough love to go around, and doesn't mind sharing birthday month with romance! Get the red velvet recipe here from Sally's Baking Addiction.

3. March: Carrot Cake

carrot cake

Real Life Dinner

Though the date those who celebrate Easter varies from year to year, carrot iconography seems to pop up in every store window by March. Usher in spring a little quicker- groundhog or not-with a sprightly carrot cake. (It's the Easter bunny's favorite, after all). Full of flavor, this tasty cake brims with shredded carrot, crushed pineapple, shredded coconut, and crunchy walnuts-and raisins, if you go for them.

Don't worry: A luxurious cream cheese frosting featuring two full sticks of cream cheese will keep any guests from accusing birthday folks of trying to espouse "virtue" on their birthdays. Get the recipe here from Real Life Dinners.

4. April: Strawberry Shortcake

strawberry shortcake

Whether you prefer pound cake, Southern-style biscuit cake, angel food cake, or cupcakes for your strawberry shortcake, this is an ideal cake for April babies (and May or June babies, if you live in northern parts of America!) You simply can't go wrong with a buttermilk and vanilla cake layered with homemade whipped cream and topped with a mound of fresh strawberries.

How beautiful is this cake, with its towering bevy of berries? Be the envy of other birthday months. Get the recipe here from Unusually Lovely.

5. May: Coconut Raspberry Cake

coconut raspberry cake

The Little Epicurean

Look how sophisticated this coconut cake is! No frizzled stray fronds of dried coconut flakes here-just pure elegance. This coconut cake with fresh raspberries goes crazy for coconut: It's a layer cake brimming with coconut milk, coconut oil, and unsweetened coconut flakes. Not enough coconut for you? Each cake layer gets a thorough soaking in a dreamy coconut-vodka simple syrup.

Tucked in between each layer is a raspberry jam and coconut-cream cheese frosting. (Because when it comes to coconut, some of us can't get enough.) Topped with in-season raspberries and buttery pistachios, its tropical vibe should elicit a smile from the birthday kid. Get the recipe here from The Little Epicurean.

6. June: S'mores Cake

s'mores cake

The Gunny Sack

School's out for summer, and we're going all out with the June baby birthday cake. Think: pure decadence. Think: S'mores. Layers of chocolate cake are slathered with a graham cracker buttercream, while a sultry ganache spills over the sides like a chocolate fountain. Need more? No problem: There's toasted meringue (in lieu of the classic marshmallow), chocolate chunks, and graham cracker pieces for a garnish.

Inducing nostalgia for all those summer nights roasting s'mores over campfires, this showstopper is just the thing for birthdays. Get the recipe here from The Gunny Sack.

7. July: Blueberry Lemon Cake

blueberry lemon cake

Mel's Kitchen Cafe

It's blueberry season! What better way to say "Happy Birthday" than with a delicious Blueberry Lemon Cake? The tangy buttermilk- and lemon-infused confection comes layered with whipped lemon-cream cheese frosting and topped with fresh blueberries and lemon.

The inside features bursts of fresh blueberries, too! With baskets of fresh blueberries readily available this time of year, this light, fluffy, lemony cake was made for July. (Throw a few strawberries on top, and it's a Fourth of July cake!) Get the recipe here from Mel's Kitchen Cafe.

8. August: Ice Cream Cake

ice cream cake


It's hot outside. Real hot. And it's still summer! (Yessss.) Swimming pools, barbecues, camping, and road trips fill your birthday month with tons of excitement. End the season with a bang!

For the August birthday, not just any cake will do. You need something elaborate, festive, tasty, and sweet-a cake that acknowledges the hotness of both you and your birthday month. Enter: the gorgeous, "more is more" Birthday Party Ice Cream Cake.

Layered with chocolate cookie crumbs, ice cream sandwiches, Oreos and four different flavors of ice cream-cotton candy, Neapolitan, birthday cake and bubblegum-and slathered in a colorful whipped cream frosting, this concoction is tailor-made for an August birthday. And it feeds a crowd! Get the recipe here from Sweetapolita.

9. September: Apple Crumb Coffee Cake

apple crumb coffee cake

Neighbor Food

Leaves are falling, sweaters are emerging from storage, and the warm days of summer are giving way to that brisk autumn air you know and love. What better way to celebrate autumnal birthdays than with an Apple Crumb Coffee Cake! Ideal if you're having a brunchy birthday, it's a cake fit for the season.

The buttery coffee-infused cake features chunks of fresh apple, a cinnamon and brown-sugar crumb topping, and a thin layer of apple cider icing. Serve with hot apple cider-spiked, if it's a grown-up affair-of course! Get the recipe here from NeighborFood.

10. October: Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Cake

peanut butter cup cake

Cookies & Cups

October babies, why not nod to the extreme influx of candy headed your way on Halloween? The Peanut Butter Cup Cake is a dream for lovers of Reese's Pieces and really any combo of chocolate and peanut butter. So if that's your jam, you'll love this.

A moist chocolate cake is shellacked with a creamy peanut butter frosting, then slathered in a rich chocolate frosting that would be a daydream for any chocoholic. This cake doesn't stop there, though. It gets a blanket of chocolate chips and full-sized peanut butter cups on top! You're welcome, and happy birthday. Get the recipe here from Cookies and Cups.

11. November: Pumpkin Cheesecake

pumpkin cheesecake

Cincy Shopper

You're not tired of Pumpkin Spice Season yet, are you? With all things pumpkin spice hitting the shelf, no cake is more suited to November birthdays than a Pumpkin Cheesecake. No baking necessary-there will be plenty of that come Thanksgiving-just pumpkin puree and pumpkin spice happily infusing a luxe cream cheesecake dusted with graham crackers.

Garnished with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel if you like, this birthday cake does November right. Get the recipe here from Cincy Shopper.

12. December: Gingerbread Layer Cake with Salted Whiskey Caramel

gingerbread layer cake with salted whiskey caramel

Top With Cinnamon

December babies, no holiday can detract from your wonderfulness. Don't skimp on a birthday celebration simply because holly, jolly holidays are trying to crowd out your joy. (And we don't mean celebrating with a fruitcake or a tin of broken Italian cookies.)

Make your favorite December baby-or yourself, if you're the baby-a real birthday cake this year: a Gingerbread Layer Cake with Salted Whiskey Caramel. With a syrupy, dense texture reminiscent of a really good brownie, a gently whisky-spiked whiskey caramel sauce, and a caramel-laced buttercream made completely from scratch, it's just what the ignored December baby deserves. (Note that this recipe-tester skipped the booze, and the results were still excellent.) Get the recipe here from Top with Cinnamon.

READ MORE: What Your Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream Says About Your Personality