American Idol moved through Hollywood week in its latest episodes, seeing stage performances from the remaining contestants. The judges were impressed with Mississippi native, Colin Stough, who chose to cover Chris Stapleton's "Cold."
The show featured a short performance from Stough, and although his first note wasn't quite on target, the judges remarked that he found his way as the performance continued. His full judgement wasn't shown, but the video revealed that Stough made it through to the Top 26 contestants. Viewers were able to see the judges give him comments after the performance, and they said the HVAC technician is beginning to look like a country star in his own right.
"I think you came into this as an HVAC maintenance guy, and now you actually kind of look the part," said judge Katy Perry. "I think we believe you. You look the artist, you really do, and I hope that that is the gift that you receive throughout this whole journey."
Stough first made his way into the American Idol journey when he auditioned with a cover of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man." The judges were instantly impressed with his gritty voice, and Bryan said Stough was "raw, real and humble."
The past week of American Idol has been full of heartbreaking goodbyes as well as exciting and encouraging moments. Highlights from the week include Warren Peay's electric performance of the Allman Brothers' "The Whipping Post," which earned him a spot in the Top 24. A contestant named Marybeth Byrd also saw the green light to the next round after performing a powerful version of Carrie Underwood's "Flat on the Floor."
American Idol is currently airing on Sunday and Monday nights on ABC. The competition will continue with more performances on Sunday, April 16 and Monday, April 17.