Overhead view of black eyed peas and collard greens in brown bowl

20 New Year's Meals to Bring Luck in 2024

We all love the traditions surrounding various New Year's good luck foods. They often focus on Southern classics such as black-eyed peas or collard greens. Black-eyed peas have been considered lucky since the struggles during the Civil War. Collard greens are thought to be lucky because of their color, which symbolizes the green shade of money.  

In addition, there are many other traditions worldwide for meals, desserts and drinks using the luckiest ingredients. What cultural culinary practices are you in the mood to try out this New Year's Eve/Day? More importantly, where do you start when looking for the best recipes for good luck foods to ring in a brand new year?

Just in time for New Year's, we've put together a list including 20 of the best New Year's good luck foods. They include other Southern classics, plus unique international finds ranging from Greek New Year's cake to Danish marzipan ring cake. It's also a wonderful opportunity to get creative using lucky foods such as grapes, pomegranates and clementines. 

Pick your favorites among these lucky foods to ensure a new year filled with luck, prosperity and super delicious treats. They'll help create a festive start to a new year brimming with both tradition and meaning.