Woman Seen Dancing With Miranda Lambert's Husband Breaks Silence
Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Woman Seen Dancing With Miranda Lambert's Husband Breaks Silence: "Just Having A Good Time"

Earlier this week, we reported that Miranda Lambert's husband Brendan McLoughlin appeared to be dancing with some women at his wife's bar. Some fans took that as a sign that their marriage was in trouble. Now, one of the women is speaking out about the matter.

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Choosing to remain anonymous, she spoke with InTouch about the issue. She said she was part of a Bachelorette party that noticed McLoughlin at Casa Rosa.

"Earlier in the night, we noticed him in the roped-off section at the front of the bar. We recognized him, and we all thought it was cool that he was there, and mentioned hoping for a Miranda appearance," the woman said. "We went back to enjoying our night, drinking and dancing with each other and just having a good time."

She said that she and her group ended up near Lambert's husband and asked "if he would take a picture with the bride-to-be." One thing led to another, and McLoughlin ended up dancing with the women. However, she said no sparks flew with Lambert's husband.

She said, "Somehow, later, we were let into the roped-off section where he was. I'm not sure how that was initiated or happened. We were all dancing together and laughing and talking, thanking him for helping to make our bride-to-be's night so special and fun. He was gracious and polite and kind. He did a lot of laughing at us, because we are a silly bunch and were having a good time just dancing and being goofy together."

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The woman insisted that nothing inappropriate happened between her and Lambert's husband. It was all just innocent dancing.

"He was not flirty," she says. "The bar was extremely loud, and even yelling in each other's ear, it was hard to hear anything. He left about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, before we left. Truly, none of us ever felt that there was any flirting happening. It was just dancing, laughing, and talking. He was friendly and casual, but never inappropriate or suggestive in any way."

However, she did admit that she touched his face. She said she doesn't know why she did that.

"I'm not sure why I put my hands on his face — I just have a tendency to do that at times without even realizing," the woman said. "It's a silly, unconscious habit that I have, and I am responsible for how that may have appeared to the outside world. I never intended it suggestively, probably more 'motherly,' as that's who I am, but that isn't something that should reflect badly on him at all."

The bargoer concluded, "We are all grateful for him being so kind, and helping to make our trip fun and memorable, and it's sad that he and Miranda are dealing with all of this for no reason."