In an unexpected but delightful twist from the world of reality TV, Susan Noles, the charismatic and beloved contestant from "The Golden Bachelor," is set to officiate the much-anticipated wedding of Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist.
Susan, a seasoned wedding officiant and a fan-favorite from the show for her vibrant personality and culinary skills, shared her excitement on Instagram: "The secret is out! I'm officiating THE GOLDEN WEDDING and I am beyond excited!"
The upcoming nuptials will be broadcast live on ABC this Thursday, January 4.
Susan's journey on "The Golden Bachelor" saw her forming a deep connection with Gerry, not romantically, but as a close friend.
"The happy couple came up with the idea because we became so close during the show," she told Glamour. "Gerry's my buddy and now Teresa is my girlfriend, so why not?"
"I'd never kissed a groom prior to this wedding," she said with a laugh, adding: "Normally when I officiate, I ask the couple about the fun things they do together because you may not know them all that well, but this is different. This is just over-the-top fun."
Gerry and Theresa's love story, blossoming from the unconventional setting of a dating show aimed at seniors, captured the hearts of viewers nationwide. The couple's decision to have Susan officiate their wedding speaks volumes about the genuine relationships that can develop in the most unexpected of circumstances.
Her experience and heartfelt approach to officiating are set to make "The Golden Wedding" an event to remember.
"I hope I don't stumble over words during the ceremony, but you freeze sometimes when you're in front of so many people, so I always have my book with me," she says. "But the opportunity to do this is so special. It's because of the bond between the three of us. And I love doing it for people that I care about."