New details have emerged in the shooting of The Voice winner Kendji Girac. Authorities found Girac wounded outside his caravan in Biscarrosse. In a strange turn of events, Girac claims he shot himself.
According to the Daily Mail, an unidentified source claimed that Girac's injuries resulted from a domestic dispute. Authorites are still investigating exactly what happened. Experts are "examining his partner for traces of shotgun residue." Likewise, someone named Emilio, who claims to be the singer's uncle, gave more details on the shooting.
"This isn't a gangland shooting. It's an accident. He was playing with the thing and 'bam,'" he said. "We were quietly playing the guitar... An accident can happen at any time." Likewise, another source said that Girac's injuries weren't as bad as they were previously reported. They claim the singer's life was never in danger.
Girac reportedly claims to have shot himself by mistake. Girac claims that he bought a shotgun at a local flea market. The singer didn't know how to use it, resulting in the gun accidentally firing. Police have confiscated the weapon and are conducting their own tests on the gun. Likewise, "no theory for what happened is being ruled out." In the mean time, authorities have placed Girac under armed guard at the hospital.
Kendji Girac Hospitalized
The singer reportedly got struck in the chest by the bullet. Authorities question how he turned a shotgun on himself.
"There are already plenty of mysterious associated with this enquiry," said the investigating source. "A very large police team is in the camp, but they are not currently getting much help from those living there. Many refuse to speak to the police."
Meanwhile, attention has turned to Girac's unidentified partner. Girac reportedly has a daughter with a woman named Soraya, but it's unknown if this is the same partner he was with.
The original report for Girac's shooting is as follows. "He was at a travellers' camp where he was wounded by a firearm,' an investigating source previously said. "Gendarmes were alerted at around 5.30am, and when they arrived they were confronted by around 20 people who refused to communicate any information. The emergency services meanwhile evacuated a seriously wounded man who had been shot in the chest, and he was rushed to hospital."
We'll keep you updated as the case pans out.