Rodeo Icon Spencer Wright's Wife Shares Devastating Image After 3-Year-Old Declared Brain Dead
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Rodeo Icon Spencer Wright's Wife Shares Devastating Image After 3-Year-Old Declared Brain Dead

It's a sad time for rodeo icon Spencer Wright and his family. Doctors declared his three-year-old son Levi brain dead after he drove a toy tractor into a Utah river. The family face an impossible dilemma of what to do. While they are privately grieving, family friend Mindy Sue Clark is sharing updates on the behalf of the family.

She wrote, "Don't give up on my boy just yet, we switched staff this morning and our doctor was a little taken back by her exam as they came in the room to end care. She felt strongly that we needed to give him more time, now this doesn't mean that in 12 hours we won't be right back in the same position with him in my arms preparing for goodbye but it does mean we have time for a miracle! Pray the hardest you ever have, I beg of you! However this ends, it'll be the Lord's will. Remember what I said about that T-Rex strength?"

The family also shared a devastating photo of them with their son.

Update On Spencer Wright's Son

However, sadly, there hasn't been much change in the boy's condition over the past several hours. The family asked for prayers and thoughts through this difficult time.
She wrote, "Last update for the day from Kallie and Spencer. I will make sure to share any new news in the morning if I have anything at that point, or as I receive them from her. We're all exhausted and looking forward to some rest. I still am trying to get back with everyone as well. Please know I am not ignoring you, I drove from AZ to Utah today to be here with them and couldn't reply while I was driving."
She also included a statement from Wright's wife Kallie. She wrote, "Not much change in Levi since our last update but I do want you to know that we have received multiple small miracles along the way and doctors are certainly surprised by the strides he has made. He is fevering so they're keeping him really cold which is hard to watch, I can just hear him saying 'mommy, I'm pretty coldy'. He is getting an eeg, to monitor any brain activity and we haven't heard much on what they're seeing yet. They've also started him on antibiotics and will do an MRI Friday or Saturday! We are unbelievably humbled by the love and prayers we have received, the help in all forms that is flooding our way is surreal. We miss our other babies, Mom hasn't spent a night away from baby until now but Brae and Steeley are in the best hands! The doctors and staff here at primaries have been outstanding! We don't know what the future holds, please don't let prayers for my baby dim or his story become old news! Keep praying for him."