What Every State Hates the Most

Map Shows What Every State Hates Most

Hater, the app that matches people based on their dislikes, has put together a map of what every state hates the most.

Keep in mind, they only used data collected from app users. So, the answers are naturally skewed. For instance, take the Midwest. It's pretty much a guarantee that the majority of Wisconsin's population has no idea what Trap Music even is. As for North Dakota, tapas can't be on their minds that much.

What Every State Hates the Most


Some of the states make do sense. The majority of New Yorkers probably hate Times Square. (Although, not sure that compares to being groped on the subway.)


What do Texans hate more than anything ever? Sleeping with the window open.

What Every State Hates the Most


Colorado apparently loathes *N Sync. Presumably, then CO is camp Back Street Boys. And Arizona... Arizona hates sand?

What about your state? Did Hater get accurately predict your hates?

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