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Dolly Parton Grieves Over Loss of 9-5 Co-Star Dabney Coleman

It's abundantly clear how much Dabney Coleman meant to people in his journeyed life. The fans outpoured in grief for one of Hollywood's greatest supporting actors. His contemporaries also made it abundantly clear how fundamental his character work is in a film. Perhaps most notably, Dolly Parton is someone who benefitted from working alongside him.

Parton took to her Instagram to mourn the life of her friend and co-star. She writes, ""Dabney was a great actor and became a dear friend. He taught me so much when I was doing my first movie, 9 to 5." "He was funny, deep and smart. We remained friends through the years and I will miss him greatly as many people will," she continues.

The start of Dolly and Coleman's relationship starts on the set of 9 to 5. Coleman plays a comically evil boss, Franklin Hart Jr. He thrives in the role of a sniveling misogynist, dangling his power over secretary Parton and fellow employees Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. Ultimately, it's all about his comeuppance and Parton does well in balancing her comedic chops with a real charismatic fire. It's impossible not to root for her and the other girls.

Dabney Coleman Passes Away at 92

Coleman peacefully passed away peacefully in his Santa Monica home, in a statement from his daughter Quincy.

Additionally, she poignantly eulogizes Coleman, characterizing her father's greatest attributes and how it informed his work. "My father crafted his time here on Earth with a curious mind, a generous heart and a soul on fire with passion, desire and humor that tickled the funny bone of humanity," she states. "As he lived, he moved through this final act of his life with elegance, excellence and mastery."

All of this reflects in his work, how he navigates the charm in being a good villain. This is especially evident in his work as Principle Prickly in the classic Disney show Recess. His cold demeanor as antagonist to the kids in school is offset by a genuine care for them. As much as he steams about the pranks, there is a paternal sort of desire to see the kids happy. Not many actors could tactfully pull off that intersection without diving too deep one way or the other. That is what made Dabney Coleman such a special character actor, properly navigating the fullness of a character.