Have you ever wondered what the iconic Dolly Parton eats in a day? Well wonder no more, I have your answer! If you're someone like me and are really into seeing how regular celebrities are, then you found the right article. I was curious to see what Parton eats in a day because well, I recently found out that her favorite ice cream is strawberry flavored. So I thought to myself, I wonder else she likes to eat....so here we are! God Bless social media.
Believe it or not, the country artist starts her day at 3 a.m.! Yes, she's quite an early bird that starts her day by having a cup of Folgers and some ice cream. Telling "Wall Street Journal" magazine, she stated, "I like quite a bit of cream, so it's just a little more than tan. A cup and a half will do me all day. I usually try to keep some homemade egg salad around because I like to have something quick and easy."
Apparently, throughout the week the country music singer also eats a lot of egg salad on toast with tomatoes or sometimes dives into a bagel with cream cheese, cucumbers, and tomatoes. We love a good hearty breakfast and a good healthy queen. Parton typically follows a low-carb diet (after hating the cabbage soup diet) during the week allowing more flexibility for the weekend following an 80/20 lifestyle. Basically, she watches her food in moderation, meaning that 80% of her diet is healthy food, and the remaining 20% are her favorite guilty pleasures.
As far as lunch, when the "Jolene" singer is out on the road she packs the tour bus freezer with several low-carb meals that she can eat throughout the day. But when she's home, she follows the low-carb diet during the week and on the weekend likes to indulge in a pan of cornbread. Going on the savory side, she likes to enjoy a baked potato every once in a while, as well as some seafood and a salad with ranch dressing.
Moving on to dinner, if the songwriting legend is cooking she likes to make her chicken and dumplings or roast pork with green beans and fried okra. You gotta get those veggies in there! But, she doesn't just stick with Southern Classic cuisine. Speaking with "The New York Times" she stated, "I love Indian, Italian and Mexican food. And if it's a romantic type of thing, I like a good French restaurant. I don't like pretty food. The way I see it, if the food's too pretty, it ain't too good."
And of course, you can't forget alcohol and some good liquor. Apparently, the Tennessee singer-songwriter prefers red wine that has a dryer feel at the end. As far as the weekends, Parton has clearly stated that she does love some good fast food to enjoy on her cheat days. She is a big fan of good ol' Taco Bell and enjoys tacos with her husband Carl Dean. So yeah, safe to say that she's pretty much just like us and eats some regular things as we do. Her own diet plan with a twist. I guess even celebrities can't get over Taco Bell?
So, who's following the Dolly Parton diet?