Instagram: chipgaines

'Fixer Upper' Stars Chip and Joanna Gaines Are Expecting Fifth Child

Chip and Joanna Gaines have grown their small business into an incredible media empire with 'Fixer Upper' on HGTV. As the fifth season finished filming, the Waco family has made it clear that they won't be leaving the public eye anytime soon. With the 2017 debut of their Target line, Hearth & Home, and the launch of Joanna Gaines' new cookbook in the spring, it's clear that the couple has their hands full with creative projects and their business of renovating the Waco area. After taking on Waco's Elite Cafe, a job that is "95% done,"as Joanna wrote in a blog post, the Gaines family is now taking on another new adventure: a fifth child.

On January 2, 2018, Chip Gaines announced on his Instagram, albeit sneakily, that the couple was expecting their fifth child. This new sweet baby will join Drake, Ella Rosa, Duke, and Emmie Kay. The couple is known for their hands-on parenting, from not having a television on the farm to adjusting the filming of "Fixer Upper" to include the kids. When Chip made the announcement, however, he did it in the classic Chip way!

For those who didn't quite get the hint, he finally posted this sweet photo.

Joanna Gaines posted an Instagram video of the sonogram, and it seems that Chip thinks it's a boy!

In her blog post looking back on 2017, she wrote:

Life on the farm has been really good this year. We added some new animals, including 15-20 new baby goats and a kitten. Chip brought the kitten home for the kids a few weeks ago when I was out of town (of course), and the Emmie named him Snowflakes. I guess you can go ahead and call me a cat lady now, because I think he's pretty darn cute. Our horse, Dolly, is 6 months pregnant with her second baby, and the whole family is rooting for a girl.

Is it a coincidence that Dolly is pregnant as Joanna is, too?!

She continued her year-end musings, and now knowing that she is indeed pregnant, it's clear that she had one particular big event in mind when she wrote,

"If you can believe it, Drake is officially taller than me. I can't handle how big all of my kids are getting, and how fast time seems to be flying by, just as everyone says it does. Lately I've been being particularly careful to soak it all in. I don't want to miss a single moment of the things that matter the most to me. These kids are smart, witty and unbelievably creative. Every day with them is a gift, and I love getting to be their mom...

As I sit here and reflect back on the last 12 months—the memories we've made and the milestones we've tackled—all I feel is grateful for another year. I am also expectant for the one ahead. Big, beautiful things are coming, in our lives and in yours. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. As always, we are so, very thankful for your support, and we are praying that 2018 will be a year of peace, hope, and contentment for you and your family."

The couple just finished filming Season 5, their last season of "Fixer Upper", and we're so excited to see what's in store for the lucky families whose homes were featured. Congratulations to the entire Gaines family; it seems that 2018 will be the sweetest year yet.


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