Carrie Underwood Draw Backlash For Helping Baby Bird On Front Porch
Photo by Jason Davis/Getty Images for SiriusXM

Carrie Underwood Draw Backlash For Helping Baby Bird On Front Porch

They say no good deed goes unpunished. Carrie Underwood is getting some flak for coming to the aid of an abandoned bird on her front porch.

The singer posted about it on social media. She revealed that she discovered the baby bird on her porch. She tried to help it, but she failed to.

Underwood wrote, "About a week ago, a bird fell out of its nest outside of my door. It was clearly way too young to take care of itself...we tried to put it back, but the next day it was out of the nest again. This time, it was dead. It also had a sibling nearby...I figured the mother abandoned the nest because it smelled like humans."

Underwood then tried to help its sibling. She brought the bird inside and began nurturing it, hoping that it would grow. Soon the bird started growing in strength. She wrote, "I scooped up the bird and brought it inside. It was weak and scared. I gave it some liquid first because I thought it would be quite dehydrated. Next, I made it a smoothie of dried larvae (chicken treats), boiled eggs, water and a few berries. It soon started to gain strength and its feathers started growing."

Fans Blast Carrie Underwood

However, fans say that Underwood did the wrong thing. Several people took to social media saying that she shouldn't have messed with the bird. One wrote, "That's illegal Carrie you're not allowed to handle wild birds and just adopt them! Shame on you girl."

Other fans supported Underwood for caring. One wrote, "Imagine showing kindness to one of God's creatures and people judging you for it. Some of y'all need to get a grip." Another commented, "Please bring it to a rehab center. Even if it's been imprinted on people now, they can at least make sure it is getting the correct care. Please leave wildlife care to the professionals- don't encourage people to take these animals home."

Others agreed that Underwood was kind but she should have sought professional help for the bird. One wrote, "That was a kind thing to do to save the bird." Another wrote, "Baby birds are very delicate and require very specific care and it's best to trust the experts here." Underwood got a bunch of grief for just trying to do the right thing.