
The Best Halloween Candy According to Each State

Are you more of a Milky Way kind of person or a 3 Musketeers? What about Twix or Snickers? Everyone has their best candy opinion and no one is wrong! But do you match up with your neighbors? Zippia, the career experts, put together a map of every state's favorite Halloween candy, ultimately leading up to the favorite sweet treat of the United States. Did your answer line up with the most popular candy in America or do you have a lone sweet tooth?

The Best Candy in America According to Americans

Americans love their candy, in fact, we spend over $2 billion on Halloween candy alone. That's a whole lotta nougat! According to the map, Starburst is the American favorite, bringing in votes from Alabama, Georgia, North Dakota, South Carolina, and Texas. What about the popular debate: chocolate versus fruit? Survey says it's a tie! 25 states like chocolate candy such as Hershey Milk Chocolate candy bars or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups while 25 states love gummy and fruity candy like Skittles, Swedish Fish, and Jolly Ranchers.

The state with the worst taste in Halloween candy has to be New Hampshire. The New England state professed its love for Circus Peanuts. Why!? Candies that didn't make the list include Butterfingers, Almond Joy, Laffy Taffy, York Peppermint Patties, Mounds, Mr. Goodbar, and the classic Hershey's Bar.

America's Favorite Halloween Candy

Alabama: Starburst

Alaska: Smarties

Arizona: Mr Goodbar

Arkansas: Skittles

California: Crunch bar

Colorado: Airheads

Connecticut: Peanut Butter Kisses

Delaware: Twizzlers

Florida: Airheads

Georgia: Starburst

Hawaii: Kit Kat

Idaho: Milk Duds

Illinois: Kit Kat

Indiana: Dum Dums

Iowa: Starburst

Kansas: Whoppers

Kentucky: Heath bar

Louisiana: Payday

Maine: Liquorice

Maryland: Blow pops

Massachusetts: Junior Mints

Michigan: Junior Mints

Minnesota: Snickers

Mississippi: Payday

Missouri: Nerds

Montana: Airheads

Nebraska: Twizzlers

Nevada: Kit Kat

New Hampshire: Circus peanuts

New Jersey: Crunch bar

New Mexico: Hot tamales

New York: Crunch bar

North Carolina: Crunch bar

North Dakota: Starburst

Ohio: Blow pops

Oklahoma: Runts

Oregon: Reeses pieces

Pennsylvania: Twizzlers

Rhode Island: Baby Ruth

South Carolina: Starburst

South Dakota: Milky Way

Tennessee: Blow pops

Texas: Starburst

Utah: Three Musketeers

Vermont: Tootsie pop

Virginia: Sour Patch Kids

Washington: Kit Kat

West Virginia: Tootsie rolls

Wisconsin: Reeses peanut butter cups

Wyoming: Hershey kisses