The Zac Brown divorce saga takes another turn in its messy saga so far. Apparently, the 'Chicken Fried' singer didn't wait long to call it quits on his marriage. Moreover, it seems like he skipped all the formalities as well by taking the Zoom route.
Recently, Zac Brown's estranged wife Kelly Yazdi speaks out on her Instagram to reveal a bit of insight behind the divorce chaos. Towards the end of 2023, news arrives that the two would separate in a fairly neutral statement. However, things take a turn for the worst when the country singer requests a restraining order on Kelly over an Instagram post she makes. Afterwards, it's been a bloodbath of messy posts and bitter arguments.
Now, she returns with a bit of context on why the divorce is happening. Additionally, Kelly alleges how Zac Brown and his team operate behind the scenes.
Zac Brown Allegedly Calls It Quits on Marriage Days After Their Private Ceremony
Evidently, Zac Brown doesn't sit idly over this divorce. According to Kelly, he asks out of their marriage only 9 days after their wedding party. To make matters worse, he did so informally over a Zoom meeting. "You haven't heard from me in a while because I have been afraid to publish anything in fear that it could result in more legal claims being brought against me to suppress my freedom of speech. Zac and I are getting divorced and it has been a very painful experience for me," she explains. "We got married last August, and then we held our private wedding party in Nashville last November with our family and friends, and nine days after our wedding party, Zac unexpectedly told me over Zoom that he wanted a divorce."
Things grow sour when Kelly refuses to sign an NDA in the aftermath of the divorce filing. Essentially, Zac allegedly looks to prohibit what his estranged wife can and can't say. When she doesn't sign the agreement, he officially files for divorce and he promptly fires her from his company afterwards.
Later, she posts a follow up video, detailing that she didn't wish to take matters publicly. However, she finds it vital that she stand up for herself against Zac Brown in this time. "I never wanted this to go public as all of this has been incredibly painful for me, but I will continue to stand up for myself," she says. "No matter what silly PR tactics they use to hurt me, I will continue to use my platform to share the truth. To everyone listening, please, go read the court documents. The truth is in the evidence. As always, thank you for listening."