When the late George Arthur Cerrito's treasured Purple Heart was lost, his 88-year-old niece, Margarita Manhardt, was devastated. Cerrito, a World War II vet, was awarded the esteemed honor "in 1945 after he suffered a traumatic brain injury while fighting in Europe," per the New York Post.
We should always appreciate our service members and veterans for the sacrifices they make to keep all of us safe and free. The recent commemoration of the D-Day 80th anniversary in Normandy, France, was a stark and moving reminder of the valor, commitment, and heroism of our troops.
Sadly, years ago, George Cerrito's Purple Heart seemed to disappear. The tale of how the prestigious decoration got back in Margarita's hands is a tribute to all those who gladly go out of their way for vets and their kin.
Who Was George Cerrito?
He Sustained A Severe Injury In World War II
"Cerrito, who grew up in Hoboken, volunteered to join the US war effort, but while fighting in Gen. George Patton's 3rd Army in the Battle of Bostogne, his tank was hit, and a fellow soldier pulled him from the wreckage," according to the Post. "The injury to the left side of his head was so severe that at first he couldn't walk or talk and had to learn again."
He was fortunate to have caring family members surrounding him and helping him recuperate.
Cerrito sounds like he was a brave man who faced his health situation unflinchingly. "He was a very jovial guy. Very jovial, laughed a lot," commented Margarita.
What Happened To George Cerrito And His Medal?
His Purple Heart Had A Roundabout Fate
George Cerrito passed away at 75 in 1993. A sister got his belongings, including the Purple Heart. When she passed, her house and its contents went to another family member who lived there with his fiancee. That relative died young and the Purple Heart apparently vanished. The family did not get along with his betrothed, so information regarding its whereabouts was not to be had.
An Air Force Veteran Rescued George Cerrito's Medal
She Found Cerrito's Purple Heart At A Flea Market In Texas
A woman eventually spotted the Purple Heart at a flea market in Texas. She bought it and took the time to send it to an organization called Purple Hearts Reunited, "whose mission is to connect lost military medals with veterans and their families," reported the Post.
Cerrito's Niece Was Utterly Thrilled To Have His Purple Heart Back After So Long
Margarita, who lives in New Jersey, was beside herself with happiness to finally and unexpectedly get her uncle's precious Purple Heart back. It was presented to her in a handsome frame with Cerrito's picture and other items.
It was given to her by Zachariah Fike of Purple Hearts Reunited.
Margarita observed, "I'm filled with joy at receiving this plaque and his medals and the memorabilia. I'm overwhelmed with joy."
This is truly a heartwarming story. People worked together to honor the memory of a WWII veteran and also assist his family member. Congratulations to all!