Comedienne Victoria Jackson, who was on Saturday Night Live from 1986 to 1992, is known for being madcap and zany. But she revealed very sad news about her health on August 14. According to NBC News and her Instagram, she has inoperable cancer and is expected to only live for approximately three more years.
Per NBC, Jackson, 65, says on a video posted to her IG, "Update on the cancer: they cannot operate and cut out the marble in my chest that is laying on my windpipe and eventually would suffocate me to death."
In a message laced with sardonic humor, Jackson wrote, "Cancer Update: I have 34.8 months to live if I don't get hit by a meteor, shot by a MAGA hater, get Covid again or WWIII breaks out."
According to People, Jackson announced she had breast cancer eight years ago.
Victoria Jackson Stays Upbeat And Appreciative Despite Her Current Situation
She Is Grateful For Her Wonderful Life
"I've had a fantastic life." the popular SNL alum stated. She has some special family-related wishes, People noted. "I'd like to see my grandson born — his name is Jimmy — in October, and get to know him a little. And I would like to see my daughter Aubrey have a baby."
She is facing this situation head-on with realism, courage, piety, and forthrightness. "You know, we're all dying but when you kinda see in print, you have 32.6 months, it makes you think, ya know? But I wouldn't change anything."
She Posted On Instagram On August 1 That Her Cancer Was Back
Jackson Shared The Sobering News With Her Fans
Jackson is bringing her fans along with her during her cancer journey. Sometimes, her tone is matter-of-fact, other times, understandably quiet and subdued.
Just over two weeks ago, she wrote on Instagram, "It's cancer! Back from 9 years ago! Psalms 18 (The Message translation)- "I love you God -you make me strong. God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight. My God - the high crag where I run for life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout. I sing to God, the Praise-Lofty, and find myself safe and saved."
She Was A Comic Mainstay of 'SNL'
Jackson Was Loved for Her Impersonations
She appeared on Weekend Update and did hit-the-nail-on the-head impersonations of famous female personalities like Sally Struthers and Roseanne Barr.