A father of six died tragically during a skydiving incident, leaving behind a wife and their six children. Per 7News, Rodger Goltz had been skydiving for most of his life. Alongside his 18-year-old son, Goltz attempted his 77th jump over the past weekend. According to his wife, Kelly, tragedy struck toward the end of his dive.
Rodger turned too fast and too low, leaving him at the wrong angle. "My son Kai came in after him and saw the crash but didn't realize how bad it was or that it was his dad on the ground," she said. "It wasn't until he saw his shoe on the ground that he knew. It was pretty horrific for him."
Rodger suffered a critical head injury upon landing, knocking him unconscious. "There was a Toll helicopter nearby which airlifted him to Canberra where he was pronounced dead on Sunday," Kelly told the publication. She proceeded to speak about how rare it was for such a tragedy to occur in the first place.
"The guy I spoke to said there are mishaps where people turn wrong or too low, but they usually walk away from it. But he said he's never seen anything like this ... where the end result is just catastrophic."
A Skydiving Father Dies During A Diving Incident
"The kids are going to miss their best friend. My eldest daughter was saying just today that dad could make anything happen," Kelly emphasized. Unfortunately, with Rodger gone, the family potentially stands to lose their home.
"We can't afford to keep it. But we desperately don't want to lose it."
A GoFundMe page was created to keep the family afloat. The description for the page reads as follows. "Rodger Goltz tragically lost his life in a skydiving accident on the weekend, leaving an irreplaceable void in our hearts and within our family. He leaves behind his beloved wife, six kids, siblings and his mother and father, all whom he cherished deeply," it begins.