Facebook/Janie Moy

San Antonio-Area Mom Shoots Giant Rattler Outside Her Home

Last week, Janie Moy's day turned upside down when she saw a rattlesnake in her backyard, just southeast of San Antonio.

The San Antonio Express-News reports the family's giant plot of land sits on 25 acres, so they've seen plenty of wildlife on their property over the years. But this massive rattlesnake sighting was definitely unexpected, and understandably shook the Moy family. The creepy creature slithered ominously up her driveway, though Moy didn't know what kind of snake it was until she got closer.

"I look at the tail. I look closer: Oh no, it's a rattlesnake," Moy told MySanAntonio. "I can't let this come toward the house," she thought. Good thinking, Janie.

Moy's husband dispensed some short and sweet advice. "Just kill it," he said, and that's just what Moy did. Together, she and her 14-year-old son brought their 410 shotgun from the garage. Just three shots later, the deed was done. Moy's husband disposed of the snake, but not before she could pose for pictures.

READ MORE: Bitten by a Rattlesnake? These 5 Tips Could Save Your Life

This year, rattlesnakes have been coming out of hibernation early due to the warm Texas winter. Moy isn't the only one to find a rattlesnake in or around their home. One west Texas family recently suffered a startling and dangerous surprise when they found a rattlesnake climbing out of their toilet.

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