
Obama Settles Ancient Food Debates Once and For All

It's safe to say that former President Barack Obama is a talker. So when Jimmy Fallon invited him for an interview, it turned into multiple segments. He talked about everything from what's going on in the world to his personal life. He even talked about his daughters and the Obama family. Weirdly, this whole conversation ended up turning into a food debate. Let's just say that Obama has come a long way from his Baskin Robbins days.

We have to wonder if former First Lady Michelle Obama has influenced his decisions or not, but Obama gives some insight into his eating habits and what he might have liked at the White House. You can watch the entire "Obama Settles It" debate on YouTube. Here's what the former President of the United States said.

1. New York Style or Chicago Deep Dish

Obama grew up in Chicago so you'd think he and the First Lady would be Team Deep Dish, but Obama's favorite is actually the opposite:

"I love my hometown. But, New York style (and) being able to fold it, (and) walk while you're eating, there's efficiency to it that puts it over the top," Obama shared.

He even went on to add his number one food policy when it comes to pizza. "No pineapple. I'm from Hawaii and I know you can't have pineapple on a pizza. That's just wrong." If only he'd added that to the USDA or FDA rules. That would have settled the debate for good.

2. Is a hot dog a sandwich?

The way he answers this question definitely proves that Obama looks at hot dogs like they're fast food.

"No, a hot dog's a hot dog. A sandwich is a sandwich," he said.

Maybe this is some insight into what Obama considers healthy food. The real question for the Obama Administration is: does a cheeseburger count as a sandwich?

3. How do you pronounce "pecan?"

How do you pronounce pecan? Does it depend on where you're from? According to the internet, Americans pronounce it as puh-kaan. The British emphasize the "e" and pronounce it as pee-kan. Let's move on shall we? Obama remains firmly in the puh-kaan camp. Alert the New York Times.

4. Are edge pieces of brownies the best or the worst?

Pandemic induced obesity is on the rise, especially as much of America spent the pandemic curled up on the couch to Anthony Bourdain on Netflix, and it seems that Obama is no different. His favorite part of a brownie batch? The edges! "Lil crunch. The sugar crystalizes a little bit," Obama expressed. No healthy eating here. Veggies were likely a part of his presidential diet with the White House kitchen garden and vegetable garden just a few steps away, but everyone needs a cheat day.

5. Is cereal a soup?

For us, that's like asking if soup is ice cream. Obama's question pretty much sums it up:

"What does that mean?"

We don't know either. Although, Donald Trump might have the answer.

6. Should you cut a sandwich diagonally or horizontally?

Many kids act like cutting a sandwich various ways makes it taste entirely different, but how about our former president? The foodie revealed that he doesn't really even cut sandwiches anymore. His girls are definitely too old for school lunches, and he's had people to do these things for him since his campaign trail.

"Maybe I'd go with the diagonal," Obama revealed when he had to answer the question. "There's something about the pointy edge of the sandwich, that you can put it in your mouth efficiently."

So now we know Barack Obama's food habits. Can you imagine all the pizzas he ordered for his team during his administration? Washington D.C. isn't too far from New York, so I'm sure a lucky few were able to jet off with him to go grab a bite. His favorite foods are all of our favorite foods, and now we just want to be besties with him.

So Jimmy, is Biden next? This is fun!

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