miranda lambert
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The Junk Gypsies are Remodeling Miranda Lambert's Airstream Trailer


When an Airstream trailer has its own Instagram account, you know it's a beloved part of someone's life. Miranda Lambert's famous trailer, dubbed Wanda the Wanderer, has been on tour with her for years, and now, it's time for a makeover.

HGTV's "Junk Gypsies" Amie and Joile Sikes, first renovated Lambert's 1952 Airstream in 2010. Since then, the trailer has welcomed musicians, friends and press into its cozy interior for quality converstaion, good vibes and strong drinks for over 1000 tour dates.

In a new video posted to The Find & The Fix's Facebook page, viewers can see how the Sikes sisters have their work cut out for them to makeover Wanda the Wanderer once again. It's evident that the trailer has gone through a lot of wear and tear from the floor color wearing off to the vinyl detaching from furniture.

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Since Lambert was completely open to the designers' vision, the sisters got to work demoing the inside of the trailer and finding pieces of inspiration to redesign the interior into something reminescent of the old space, but also updated and fresh.

Watch the process begin in the video above.

Now Watch: The Best Miranda Lambert Songs