Lady Gaga performed at the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony in what should have been a slam dunk. However, her performance was plagued with technical difficulties and issues. Viewers complained about the performance.
Following the backlash, the singer took to social media. However, she's not letting any of the hate affect her mood. "I feel so completely grateful to have been asked to open the Paris @Olympics 2024 this year," she began.
"I am also humbled to be asked by the Olympics organising committee to sing such a special French song—a song to honour the French people and their tremendous history of art, music, and theatre. This song was sung by Zizi Jeanmaire, born in Paris a French ballerina, she famously sang 'Mon Truc en Plumes' in 1961."
She said that the song's title translated to My Thing With Feathers. That explained her choice of props. She also mentioned that she crossed paths with the late ballerina who passed in 2020. She also addressed why she decided to perform for the Olympics despite not being French.
"Although I am not a French artist, I have always felt a very special connection with French people and singing French music—I wanted nothing more than to create a performance that would warm the heart of France, celebrate French art and music, and on such a momentous occasion remind everyone of one of the most magical cities on earth—Paris," she continued.
Viewers Blast Lady Gaga's Performance
She said, "I bet you didn't know I used to dance at a 60's French party on the lower east side when I was first starting out! I hope you love this performance as much as I do. And to everyone in France, thank you so much for welcoming me to your country to sing in honor of you—it's a gift I'll never forget!"
Viewers were mixed on the singer, especially with the tech issues. One wrote, "Great performance from Lady Gaga. Shame the French forgot to do a sound check beforehand."
Another wrote, "Lady Gaga performing to no large audience in a stadium but on a platform next to the river. The sound is awful, sound just getting lost in the vast open space rather than being reverberated around a stadium." Yet another wrote, "This is rather underwhelming. Dull boats, dull background and the sound quality of Lady Gaga's act wasn't great."
One wrote, "Does France not have any singers? Why is gaga the best choice for singing in french." Another wrote, "Personally, I think that having Lady Gaga singing for you when she's not French, is cheating." Yet another wrote, "I don't know if Lady Gaga sings French or if she sings in Sims language..."