Dolly Parton has "a massive business empire," according to Fox Business It is valued at a whopping $659 million. Quite an accomplishment for this multi-talented artist who grew up poor with 11 siblings in a tiny cabin in Tennessee.
The centerpiece of Parton's ventures is the Dollywood amusement park in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. She is justifiably pleased as punch with this highly successful enterprise.
"That's one of the other things I'm as proud of as anything I've done," Parton explained. "That's a park we started, you know, 30-plus years ago. And it's just a place for families."
Let's find out more about how Dolly Parton started Dollywood in her own words!
Establishing Dollywood Was A Long-Held Dream Of Parton's
She Is Renowned For Giving Back
Per USA Today, Parton said, "When I was growing up here in the Great Smoky Mountains, we used to come every now and then down to this area. When it was the county fair, we'd come to town, and I used to think if I make it big, if I get rich like I was dreaming I might, that I'd love to do something special, to come back home and build a park of my own."
She was and is a go-getter. Rather than just talk about this goal, Parton made it happen. "I love having a theme park," she exulted.
She Talks About Dollywood With Unfeigned Excitement
It's Not Just About Dollars And Cents
"I feel like all the people here are my people, in this area," Parton said. And she takes very good care of the ones who make Dollywood what it is.
Parton is an astute businessperson as well as a generous humanitarian who honors her roots and cares about lifting people up.
"I feel good that I'm just one of the great businesses around here."
Dollywood Is Still Evolving
Folks Can Go There 'And Just Have A Great Time'
"We're just proud of everything that we got going, and we'll continue to try to expand and try to always make the people that do come here feel welcome and know that they can bring their kids and friends and just have a great time," Parton said.
She clearly loves the place, the people, and the dream she followed to fruition. Dollywood is surely one of Dolly Parton's greatest smash hits!