home edit
AP Photo/Sanford Myers

Kane Brown's 'Home Edit' Goal is Easy Access to Cinnamon Toast Crunch

If you aren't familiar with The Home Edit yet, allow us to change your life. Nashville based Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin met through a mutual friend in 2015 after both women moved to Tennessee from California for their husbands' jobs. Bonding over their love of all things organization, the two women started a business together which quickly caught the eye of numerous celebrities on Instagram, including Reese Witherspoon

Fast forward a few years and now they have two bestselling books, a line of products available at The Container Store and Witherspoon serving as the executive producer of their new Netflix show, Get Organized With The Home Edit.

One of the best parts about The Home Edit is their method really is for everyone, not just celebrities. Why can't normal people also enjoy the inside of their pantry or fridge? Their approach teaches you a simple way to approach getting your things organized, how to purge what you don't need and getting a system in place that will last you forever. If everything happens to be color coordinated in the process, so be it! They are big fans of making things as colorful as possible and you'd be surprised how satisfying it is organizing your cans or chips by color. 

While Marie Kondo's show inspired us last year to get rid of unnecessary crap, Clea and Joanna are the inspiration this year to make everything look pretty even if it's behind a cabinet door. Just look through their book or Instagram feed and you'll immediately start realizing your house goals are attainable with a few storage bins and turntables for your olive oil or vinegar. Even just upgrading the hangers in your closet and using stackable bins to organize shoes can make a huge difference aesthetically as well as for your sanity. 

Read More: Kane Brown + Katelyn Jae: Inside Their Love Story

Their TV show features a celebrity makeover for half of each episode in addition to a normal family which makes the content really refreshing. It makes it feel like home organization is for everyone, even if you aren't posting pictures of the end result to your millions of followers on social media. You can make your own home look like Reese Witherspoon's (kind of) just by following their organizing tips. Clea and Joanna and their organization team hit everything on their new show from Khloe Kardashian's garage full of toddler cars to Neil Patrick Harris's playroom in New York City. But we were particularly taken with their organization of country star Kane Brown's kitchen pantry and the brief glimpse it gave us inside his stunning home. 

Brown and his wife Katelyn not only recently welcomed baby Kingston, but they regularly like to entertain family and friends at their home in Nashville. So much so that Clea and Joanna even organized an entire section of the pantry for guests with a special shelf for s'mores and various canisters full of candy. One of the funniest parts of the episode though is that Brown says pretty much the only thing he needs from his newly organized pantry is access to his beloved Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Priorities! 

The pantry didn't look that bad when the team first showed up, but in one afternoon it's shocking what they were able to accomplish. Baby items, back stocked food and Brown's favorite snacks were meticulously organized in a way that would inspire anyone to run straight to their pantry and start dividing things into categories (or was that just me?). We can't wait to see what other country stars invite The Home Edit team into their homes!

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