Micahel Williams Stars In "The Blair Witch Project."
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10 Found Footage Movies If You Love 'The Blair Witch Project'

These horror movies are perfect for spooky season

The "found footage" technique takes a unique perspective on filmmaking. Instead of a first-person vantage point, the camera witnesses the events through the characters' eyes. From early entries such as "Cannibal Holocaust" and "The McPherson Tape," found footage has mesmerized audiences for decades. It wasn't until '90s horror movie "The Blair Witch Project" that the subgenre became a household commodity. The marketing around the 1999 feature made it seem that what you were about to behold was actually true that the filmmakers disappeared, never to be heard from again. It broke the internet, you could say. And the film has since become not only one of the most popular found footage movies but also a classic horror film people turn to every Halloween season.

The dam burst after that, leading to a wave of found footage films over the next two decades. The genre has ebbed and flowed, as most do; but in recent times, entries such as "The Outwaters" (an essential on this list) have proven there is still life in found footage. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. 

If you love "The Blair Witch Project," we've wrangled 10 other found footage movies that you'll likely love just as much. From deep dives into underground tunnels to troll hunting, our list truly runs the gamut. These are perfect complements to any classic Halloween movies you have on your watch list during spooky season. 

READ MORE: 13 Essential '80s Horror Movies (and What Else to Watch if You Love Them)