Wade Wilson, known as the "Deadpool Killer," was recently sentenced to death in Florida. In 2019, Wilson killed two women, Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz. Per Fox News, he strangled Melton in her sleep after he met her at a bar. Later that day, he saw Ruiz while he was driving. He proceeded to beat, strangle, and run Ruiz over with his car.
The majority of the 12-person jury agreed that Wilson should be put to death for his crimes. "The evidence shows the murders were heinous, atrocious and cruel. and that the second murder was cold, calculated, and premeditated," said Circuit Judge, Nicholas Thompson. As sentencing came to a close, Wilson's legal team brought up his final request to the judge.
"I understand he has other cases pending here and elsewhere... but Mr. Wilson asked me to ask the court within whatever authority you have to get him to death row as soon as possible." Currently, a date for Wilson's execution is unknown.
The State Attorney on the case, Amira Fox, spoke about Wilson in a press conference after the sentencing. "I've been doing this 34 years, and I have to say I have never seen someone as evil as Wade Wilson," she stated.
The Deadpool Killer Receives The Death Penalty For His Two Florida Murders
Additionally, Assistant State Attorney, Sara Miller, was relieved with the jury's decision to push the death penalty. "You know, you're asking someone to take another life and so it's always a difficult thing. But I think, in this case, it was a justified act given the horrific nature of this case," Miller said.
"We have heard from many women who have been victimized by the defendant, but maybe you didn't go forward on charges or for whatever reason didn't find justice in the justice system," she added. "I think this win really ensures the safety of a lot of people."
However, Ruiz's father, Felix Ruiz, says that he won't be satisfied until Wilson's execution. "This is not the end. The end is when the accused takes his last breath and I will be there at the execution. That's a promise."