Who hasn't called security on a small child out of sheer frustration? This tale comes straight from the bowels of Reddit, which is where you can find only prime cuts when it comes to petty, fun squabbling. Unfortunately, the original post has been deleted. However, I'm nothing if not decent at abridging complex social situations!
One woman sought the internet's input in a dispute with her best friend. For the sake of convenience, we'll call her "Lana." Lana wanted to know if she was in the wrong for refusing to apologize for her son ruining her bestie's wedding. Gail (the best friend) told Lana she wasn't particularly thrilled about children being in attendance for her big day. Ultimately, though, Gail was swayed by those closest to her.
Initially, everything was great! The kids were having fun and being quiet! "The kids were running around and playing with each other and it was a fairly secure space and I knew almost everybody there, so I felt comfortable with my son playing with the other kids while my husband and I had fun dancing," she wrote!
...Then, it was time for the cake.
An Angry Bride Threatens To Call Security On Her Best Friend's Child
Y'all know kids and their love of sugar. When they brought out that delicious, multi-tiered cake? The boy ran straight for it, digging right in! "My husband and I push forward to see what's wrong. I see my son with frosting around his mouth and on his fingers."
Gail. Lost. Her Mind. After a screaming match over the cake and the presence of children, Gail did it. She kicked Lana out of her wedding -- even going as far as to threaten to call security on her and her son if they didn't leave. And now, we have a big ol' mess.
Reddit was of the mind that Lana was at fault for not properly supervising her son. Thinking about it further, I'm compelled to agree despite my initial reluctance. Should Gail have embarrassed her in front of everyone? You could argue it was a bit of an overreaction. But then again, a lot of time and preparation goes into a wedding!
Admittedly, I'd be upset too if my friend allowed their child to destroy my wedding cake! These are precious desserts, after all!