Bob Newhart, best known for his legendary deadpan humor, has passed away. The Illinois native died at his Los Angeles home after a series of short illnesses, according to his publicist, Jerry Digney. He cut his teeth doing sharp satire, showcased in projects such as The Bob Newhart Show and the aptly titled Newhart.
Before making it big on television, Newhart would release successful comedy albums. These albums featured his witty observational humor. Afterward, he would dominate television for nearly two decades. First, he played an endearing Chicago psychologist in The Bob Newhart Show. Then, he'd pivot to his equally iconic New England innkeeper in Newhart.
His first comedy album, The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart, was the first comedy-focused album to top Billboard's charts. Newhart went on to dominate across mediums, earning three Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award, and a Golden Globe Award. When asked about his brand of genius in a 1990 interview, Newhart had a profound insight into his unique stylings.
"I tend to find humor in the macabre. I would say 85 percent of me is what you see on the show. And the other 15 percent is a very sick man with a very deranged mind," Newhart stated.
Bob Newhart Has Passed Away And The World Of Comedy Will Never Be The Same
Fans of the comedic legend took to social media in remembrance of Newhart's brilliance. "Bob Newhart has passed away at age 94. His wit and deadpan delivery and stammering style made him a must-watch for generations. The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart won a Grammy and topped the charts while The Bob Newhart Show and Newhart are still classics. He will be so missed," one X (formerly known as Twitter) user stated.
"Super Sky Point to the great Bob Newhart. Lots of people are funny but nobody has ever been funny in the particular weary, put-upon way Bob Newhart was funny. That's called genius. Made two sitcoms among the best ever and was a pretty d-- fine elf too. An American treasure."
Newhart will be missed by his friends, family, and fans all over the world. His genius will last forever.