The competition continued on ABC's American Idol this week, but due to the substantial talent on the show, a bit of a rule change was enacted on Monday night's show. The judges were originally meant to pare the group of singers down to the top 24 this week, but when they decided two extra singers deserved to stay at least one more week, the top 24 turned into the top 26.
This change occurred when singers Matt Wilson, Colin Stough and Iam Tongi were brought into a room with judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie to hear if they would make it to the next round. Each singer performed during the "Showstoppers" performances: Wilson sang Chris Brown's "Forever," Stough covered Chris Stapleton's "Cold" and Iam Tongi put on a memorable performance of "The Sound of Silence." During the judges' analysis, they named Tongi as the singer who would be going forward in the top 24.
"There's only one more spot in the top 24," Perry told Tongi and the other singers. "Iam, welcome to the top 24."
After Tongi was named at top 24 contestant, Wilson and Stough congratulated him. When they began to leave the room, however, Perry stopped them in their tracks.
"Plot twist," she said." Us judges, we like to change it up every season. We have so much talent this season, we don't think there's a top 24. We think there's a top 26. You guys are in the top 26!"
After Perry shared the good news, all three singers exploded with excitement. Later in the show while the top 24 was assembled, the judges revealed that they will be heading to Aulani Resort in Hawaii for next week's competition. They also surprised the contestants with the news of the top 26 as they welcomed Wilson and Stough to the group.
American Idol is currently airing Sunday and Monday nights on ABC.