True Detective creator Nic Pizzolatto has reportedly signed on for a Western drama series with Amazon. The as-yet-untitled show, according to The Hollywood Reporter, is set to focus on a former outlaw who finds himself facing a threat from his past that could unseat the life and family he's worked hard to build.
This opportunity comes after Pizzolatto's first-look deal with FX and Touchstone Television for the formerly upcoming series Redeemer. In 2021, news broke that the show would no longer be moving forward. Little else is known about the current series or Amazon's involvement. Amazon declined to comment on the news, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Pizzolatto originally found massive success with True Detective. The show debuted in 2014 on HBO and gained widespread acclaim for its gripping storytelling, strong performances and unique approach to the crime genre. The first season, which starred Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, was particularly well-received, earning numerous awards and nominations.
The show's success continued in subsequent seasons, with the third season earning praise for its return to form and strong performances from Mahershala Ali and Stephen Dorff. A fourth season is on the way as well. Pizzolatto is attached as an executive producer for the fourth season, which will star Jodie Foster and Kali Reis.
With the success of Yellowstone and its spin-off series, it's no surprise that other networks are doing their best to chase the show's success. As rumors of Kevin Costner departing the show continue to swirl, the drama's future seems somewhat uncertain, though nothing official has been announced yet. A Western series in Pizzolatto's hands might look a little something like the first season of True Detective, in which McConaughey's character Rust Cohle summoned every bit of his Southern charm to take a potentially unlikable protagonist and make him relatable.
There are no additional details on what a Pizzolatto-helmed Western might entail, but we'll keep our eyes peeled for more updates.
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