American Flag
Fox 5

Georgia Man Crafts American Flag with 10K Plastic Army Men

A man in Georgia went all in for a handmade, patriotic display when he created an American flag using plastic army men.

The project is something of a Frank Underwood meets Pinterest, and so God-bless-America. It took Greg Smith, from LaGrange, over 10,000 army men to make the flag. The entire flag took a year to finish.

Smith painted each army man red, white, or blue. "I wanted to do something in my spare time after I went through a divorce last year," Smith said to FOX 5. "I would work on it as I watched TV at night."

He says he a U.S. flag made up of baseball bats and baseballs that he saw hanging in a restaurant inspired his own creation.

The finished product is 4 feet by 3 feet. Appropriately, he completed it the week of the Fourth of July.

This year, we've seen a number of other unique flag creations made by artists and craftsmen across the country. A Florida firefighter and Navy veteran are turning hoses into striking American flags, while this Air Force veteran is making American flags out of steel.

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